DIY Sketch Book

DIY Sketch Book
Hello there! Welcome back to my blog! Today I'll be showing you how to make your very own DIY Sketch Book. 

What you need:
  • 7 - 10 pieces of thick white paper
  • decorative paper
  • stapler 
  • scissors

  1. Fold all the pieces of thick white paper in half. Then fold the decorative paper in half too. Make sure your decorative paper is a little bit bigger then the thick white paper. 
  2. Take a stapler and staple the decorative paper and the white paper together.
  3. Trim paper if needed.
  4. Enjoy! 
This craft is Winter0's creation. If you would like to use my work make sure to give credit, and leave a comment.

Thank you for stopping by!
Have a great day!


  1. Very Pretty sketch book!!

  2. OMG! The paper on the sketch book cover is so pretty!


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