DIY Stickers

DIY Stickers
Hi! Welcome to Crafty Corner! Today I'll be telling you about the easiest way to make your own homemade stickers.

What you need:
  • packaging tape 
  • paper   
  • credit card/gift card 
  • water 
  • plastic container

Down below I've added a video which you can watch and make your own stickers! Make sure to use a picture/word which is printed out of a printer!

Bonus: In the comment section, tell me if you would rather have the video inside the post, or if you would rather have the video link and open the video in a new tab. Also, you can use these stickers in greeting cards. I've made a post on greeting cards which you can search up on my blog!

Make sure to follow, subscribe, comment, and share!
I hope you had fun making this craft and using it!


  1. This is so cool! I love this idea definitely will try it out!


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