Mini School Supplies

Mini School Supplies 

Hi! Today I'll be showing you how to make mini school supplies. Since it is back to school season here in the U.S.A. I thought it would be fun to make these mini school supplies!

What you need:

  • hole puncher
  • crafting wire
  • paper
  • pink color pencil
  • scissors
  • drawer liner
  • tape
  • black pen
  • blue pen
  • red pen
  1. Cut out the 5-10 rectangles out of white paper. Make sure all the rectangles are about the same size.
  2. Hole punch the papers, cut out some crafting wire and make it into a circle, and then put the crafting wire through the holes in the rectangles.
  3. Next color it with a pink color pencil. Then with a black pen make your cute eyes and mouth.
  4. Last but not least write Mead in the upper left corner. This step is optional.
  5. Enjoy!!!
Notebook Paper 
  1. Cut out 5-10 small rectangles, and hole punch then 2 or 3 times. Use the picture at the bottom of this post as a reference.
  2. Draw about 4-5 horizontal lines on each rectangle with a blue pen. Use the picture at the bottom of this post as a reference.
  3. Draw 1 vertical line with a red pen. Use the picture at the bottom of this post as a reference.
  4. Enjoy!!!
Pencil Case
  1. Cut out 1 square piece of drawer liner. Make sure it is a square otherwise it won't work.
  2. Fold like shown in the picture. The folding is similar when you're making a fortune teller. 
  3. Tape it to make it stay like that. Make sure to tape it a lot so it will be able to hold stuff.
  4. Enjoy!!!
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I hope you enjoyed this craft!😊
This craft is Winter0's creation. If you would like to use my work make sure to give credit, and leave a comment.


  1. I hope we had such cute regular sized school supplies


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