Cloth Phone Case

Cloth Phone Case
Hi! Today I'll be showing you how to make a cloth phone case. This craft is fun, easy, and cool.

What You Need:
  • Cloth
  • Needle
  • String
  • Glue Stick
  • White Chalk
  • Your Phone
  • Scissors
  1. Fold your cloth in half.
  2. Place your phone on the cloth and trace the shape out on the cloth with a white piece of chalk. Make sure the shape you trace is a little bigger then your phone.
  3. Then cut the shape out that you traced.
  4. Since you cut the shape while the cloth was folded in half you should have two shapes. 
  5. Now stitch both shapes together with your needle and thread. If you have a sewing machine I totally recommend using that instead of needle and thread.
  6. Turn it inside out so the stitches don't show.
  7. Next iron the cloth phone case. This step is totally optional I ironed mines because the cloth was a bit crumpled.
  8. Now it's time to decorate your cloth phone case! You can decorate it with whatever you have or you can leave it plain.
  9. Slip your phone into your handmade phone case and enjoy!
If you don't know how to stitch I've put a video link down below which teaches you how.
Make sure to follow, comment, and share!πŸ˜‰ 
I hope you enjoyed this craft!😊
This craft is Winter0's creation. If you would like to use my work make sure to give credit, and leave a comment.


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